[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”8 Unique ways to learn spoken English quickly:” use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_class=”no_stripe”][stm_spacing lg_spacing=”6″ md_spacing=”6″ sm_spacing=”6″ xs_spacing=”6″][vc_single_image image=”7066″ img_size=”1130×450″][stm_spacing lg_spacing=”50″ md_spacing=”50″ sm_spacing=”50″ xs_spacing=”50″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″ offset=”vc_col-lg-8 vc_col-md-8″ css=”.vc_custom_1576127026730{padding-right: 45px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1624602776680{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]8 Unique ways to learn spoken English quickly:

In modern times, there is no need to explain why English language is important. At most workplaces in India, it is a major criteria to be proficient in the language, especially spoken English. In the end, everyone strives to get a hold of the language; so, how can we conquer our limitations?

In this blog, we have come up with 8 best ways to learn spoken English, let’s begin:


[1] Start Talking:

It is integral to start talking in the language. Start with yourself; give instructions to “you” in English. Next, look at your surroundings and use the language with them. Start communicating with your friends, colleagues, parents and others in the English language. They will certainly support you as you are trying hard to reach your goals.


[2] Listen to others:

Not only just speaking, but listening to others will also support you to enhance your language practice. Just check how people are using different sentences for different situations. Podcasts, interviews and videos with subtitles are great sources of learning. 


[3] Observe yourself:

It is imperative to track your progress. After each day, check what new you have learnt; fresh words, sentences, phrases, idioms etc. These short gains are taking you a step ahead everyday towards your spoken English learning goal. 


[4] Rephrasing:

This is a good practice. Everyday get a news article from TV or newspaper, read it and tell the same to another person in your words. If you get stuck, re-read the article and get started again.


[5] Cheat sheet:

Similarly to a news article, create a cheat sheet for different events i.e. going out on a date, making a complaint or visiting any relative. The sheet will support you with vocabulary and  phrases that you will be asked or talk about there.


[6] Record yourself:

Don’t be shy, choose a topic and record your voice. Once you will listen to the audio, you will certainly know where to improve. Not just sentence framing, but it will also assist in correcting your tone. Be general and talk slowly!


[7] English songs playlist:

This may sound weird, but it is fun and effective.The goal is to stay connected with the English language most of the time. If needed, use subtitles!


[8] Learn phrases:

For improving spoken English, it is intrinsic to learn new phrases rather than learning new words. This will help in building confidence and enhancing fluency.



To be honest, it will certainly take weeks and months to be a fluent English speaker. We believe that the above mantras will definitely facilitate you in reaching your language goal; practice, practice and practice!


For special spoken English classes, join X-Bridge, one of the trusted English training institutes in Kolkata, West Bengal. We have distinctive batches for students, working professionals and housewives. We conduct both offline and online classes. 


For inquiries, contact us at xbridge.rahul@gmail.com or give us a call at +91 9748889629.

Content by: Jassa Gossal

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